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  (1 review)
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Moderately Scary
Appropriate For
friends, family, team building
Organization Type
Listing Categories
Escape Games
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Wheelchair Accessible, Snacks & Refreshments, Covered Wait Area, Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Bring your friends, and experience the exhilarating thrill of Room Escape USA. Geared towards teamwork, you and your friends true character will become visible in this environment. Riddles, clues, and puzzles cannot be solved alone, you must work together to find the solution, and make it out in time. Bring one friend, or bring 5, the choice is up to you. Groups larger than 8 will be broken up into two rooms and be given the option to "compete" for best time.

Dr. Ensaine
The doctor is in, and he’s ready for you. As you take a seat in the waiting room, don’t mind the screams, Dr. Ensaine’s current patient probably has a cavity. Sit back and relax, once the door opens your name will be called and soon your visit will be over. Why didn’t the patient come back out? Who knows, but you’re about to find out. This room is our most advanced, with dramatic plot twists and turns, you never know when or if you’ll get out.
Number of Players: 2-8

Family Secrets
Grandpa Earl was part of a human test study for a new drug. Your parents own a clinical trial business and they pressured your grandfather into taking the new drug. Following the years after taking the drug Grandpa Earl started to go crazy. He had visions he was part of a cult and starting sacrificing locals one by one. In recent weeks Grandpa Earl started having dreams of what life had been like before taking the drug and realized he was pressured into being the human test subject. He is out for revenge and kidnapped you to retaliate against your parents. Earl is out finding the last sacrifice while he leaves you handcuffed in his dark room. You have 60 minutes to GET OUT before he gets back with the final sacrifice!
Number of players 2-8
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  • Best Escape Room

    Had a blast here. Puzzles were challenging and fun. The rooms were awesome and fit the themes really well.

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    Posted September 2016

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