
Woods of Terror

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  (20 reviews)
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Parental discretion advised, no one under the age of 5 will be admitted
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Hay Rides, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Haunted Trails, Pumpkin Patches, Halloween Festivals & Parades, Scream Parks, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly), Safe Trick or Treating
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Wheelchair Accessible, Snacks & Refreshments, Outdoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Parking Fees May Apply
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  • Email Verified Best one yet

    My kids love it. Interacting with the characters in the midway is the best experience.

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted May 2024

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Well worth the price

    A great work by the team. Though it had just one house and all the fun in the midway, it had great quality that was well worth the price and effort. This includes the set design. The professional work that has gone into the design of the house is commendable. Actors interacted with us with funny and scary nuances. We'll coming back every year.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted January 2019

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    4 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified It was a blast night

    It was a blast in the house. The theme was significant and the scenes were elaborate. It had lots of detailing and that made it look scary. Both fun and scary. You can visit this place every year, no doubt.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2018

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Want an adrenaline rush visit Woods...

    It was an adrenaline rush and a dash to the exit as we entered the house in the woods of terror. The haunts were well managed. We were entertained in the waiting area. Got opportunity to click photos with the characters. The DJs made sure our excitement was pumped up. Reasonably priced concession stands had yummy food.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2018

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Lots of fun

    Lots of fun. Loved the moving floor though it made me a bit dizzy. The scares were too detailed and with lots of props and animatronics it was looking magnificent as well. The actors were brilliant and scares were spot on. We plan on going again!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2018

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    5 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Very interactive

    The haunts were very interactive which made it quite interesting. The actors honestly scared the wits out of us. The clown room was great fun. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. It was a beautifully done house with lots of artwork and 3D effects. Simply loved it.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2018

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Incredible experience

    A lot of thought has gone into the making of this haunt. It is obviously the best place one can be on a Halloween weekend. It was an incredible experience. The house was in the woods. The set design was of great quality. Amazing–detailed, creative, and fun.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2018

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • 100% terrifying!

    100% terrifying! The house had moving floors, shops and many authentic looking props to make the house look haunted. We screamed a lot. And it was an awesome experience.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2018

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Great event

    This was the place I always wanted to visit. They really got me. Clowns, they were so scary even by their appearance. I really got petrified on the sighting of one of those and I wished to scream and run but I was not able to feel my feet. I am very happy to choose Woods of Terror as my Halloween destination this year.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Full of scare elements

    Set was fabulous and the cast was so real to their character. It was real life experience we get at Woods of Terror. Full of scare elements which will create panic and make the visitors go freaky. Monster Classics and Arachnophobia were simply amazing and my favorites. It’s surely a must visit attraction.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Good Service

    We had a good time at Woods of Terror. The actors were extremely terrifying. The line was a bit long but the visit was worth the wait. Monsters in the trail scared the crap out of us. Some spooky characters even chased us through the woods....we got freaked out. The spiders, clowns and the vampires in the house were very terrifying. The monster parade in the night was a different experience. The dedication of the staff is appreciable. Prefer fast pass for smooth entry. Must visit.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Blackout scared the crap out of us

    One of the best haunted walkthrough I’ve been to. They’ll assign a name to your group. The themed areas were scary to say the least. The sets, props and actors will give you a hard time. The blackout scared the crap out of us.. I almost hyperventilated. Claustrophobic people can’t stand the blackout. Every scare centers on the common ‘town area’ where you’ll get food and drinks. If someone in your group gets scared too much, they can relax in the ‘no scare zone’. To skip lines, go for the VIP pass. I will recommend this place to all scare lovers out there.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Plenty of unexpected scares

    This was awesome.. had a great Halloween night. It was fun to get scared in the pitch black. The trail had plenty of unexpected scares that will leave you jumping. I was with my nephew, and he screamed out at almost every scare. The no scare zone is a welcome relief for soft hearted people. Food and drinks were nice. The lines were long.. so I suggest that you get a VIP pass as priority. On the flip side, the parking of $5 was ridiculous, especially since you are already paying $15 for the attractions. Apart from that, Woods of Terror was a decent haunt worth checking out.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2017

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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