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Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre - Real Haunts in Lorton VA

  • 10712 Richmond Hwy
  • Lorton, VA
  • 703-493-8770
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As the name implies, Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre is a facility that puts on live shows while guests have a bite to eat. The actors aren’t the only ones putting on a show, however, as a local ghost has taken up residence in the building. The ghost has been known to manifest as lights gliding behind the stage, and also likes to rearrange chairs and place settings.
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  • Yes

    Excuse grammar lol…anyway as a child my father told us of a story when he was younger walking In a field to go fishing there at the river and heard a woman calling his name and said that her name was Mary and shortly stumbled on a small graveyard with four or five grave markers one being with the name Mary lee rose or something like that tucked in the corner of this field next to the river sounded kinda simple and boring story none the less he took us there and showed the grave yard was there and at the time there was a putt putt golf we all thought it would be fun to go at night my dad and middle brother went to grave yard while me and my oldest stayed in the middle of field it was a bright moon and clear night as we were standing there we heard my father and brother screaming and running straight back to us we looked passed and what I seen was a lady wearing one of them big butt dresses and a long Cain looking thing holding a lantern at the top straight the fuck up floating towards the grave she was not really glowing but more illuminated by the moon light floating along the tree line then disapated years later now a adult was telling friends and learned not a football field away the lazy Suzan sits and is said to be haunted it just Kinda put some truth to self after reading about it I don’t know if there is a god I hope but I do believe something happens after death I have been to that same spot many times as a adult day and night but nothing ever happened again and the have since moved the grave yard when they built that building that sits there now but where the graves where is still there but just tall grass

    Posted 10/20/19

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  • Not haunted

    The "ghost" that was supposedly messing about with the lights, and rearranging chairs was one of the technical staff; someone that had proper access, and keys. Also, the building has lots of low-hanging lights, and lots of mold. As a result, the electrical fields produced are enough to mess around with one's nerves (literally), and mold can cause a person to experience hallucinations after much prolonged exposure.

    Posted 2/9/16

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3509 days ago)

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