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Monticello - Real Charlottesville Haunt

  • 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy
  • Charlottesville, VA
  • 434-984-9800
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Museums
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Monticello is the famed former home and primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and was largely designed by Jefferson himself. It is today open for tours and visitation, acting as a historic museum that offers a glimpse into American history and the life of its third president. Some say that Jefferson never left his beloved home, claiming to have seen his spirit still walking the grounds and whistling as he did when alive
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  • Sick

    I was sick from the moment I walked in. I recognized the feeling as similar to my recent stay at Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana. It was hard to breathe, I felt nauseous, and felt like crying. These feelings were amplified in the bedroom and in the sitting room.

    Posted 11/12/24

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  • What did I see at Monticello?

    I was touring the home because I’m a history geek and I’ve always wanted to visit the beautiful home and land, I also am big on supernatural things, and I am a believer. I was outside the home listening to the tour guide about the home and I hear something being messed with, as I looked over the doors/door knob were being messed with, could just be air but the airflow inside the home wasn’t so much to where it could do that, then as I was walking into the front foyer area I heard someone whisper the name Lewis, I look over and there’s nobody behind me or near me as I was kind of by myself in an area, since Jefferson knew Lewis and Clark from the expedition I supposed thats possibly why, and I heard a whisper of names in my ear multiple times, I heard adams, Ben, Cecilia(not sure who Cecilia is) . And lastly (happened a few times) I was walking into the supposed grandchildren’s bedroom(s) and as I was in the room taking photos I saw figure who looked somewhat like an older version of Jefferson, standing around 6’0 tall, a little taller I blinked and it was gone but I don’t know what it was, I saw a maid like woman running through the home near the parlor, and the Figure of who I believe is Jefferson many times after. And many other things, have you seen anything like this ?

    Posted 7/7/23

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Monticello Parlor

    I saw this comment about the parlor from 2021. I get the exact same experience of feeling like I was going to faint. I thought I might have been dehydrated etc. a few years later I toured Monticello again and get the same thing in the parlor. Thankfully I was at the back of the tour so no one noticed I had to sit on the floor so I don’t faint. This wasn’t a coincidence and I was fine both times for the rest of the tour. I’ve been looking for years of this was “just me” or if anyone else felt this way.

    Posted 5/12/23

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  • Monticello Parlor

    I've been to Monticello 7 times throughout the years since I grew up in the area. The last 2 times I went on a tour to Monticello, I felt like I was going to faint and start to become nauseous, lose my hearing and vision. This occurred in the "parlor" which I believe is the room to the right of Jefferson's bedroom/where he would get dressed. All tours inside the house go through this room which seems to be in the center of the house. I thought it was just a coincidence and didn't feel well, but a couple of years later I went and toured Monticello again and I felt like I was going to faint again in the same exact room. Both times I sat on the floor so I wouldn't fully faint. I felt fine before and after being in that room. It's hard for me to believe it's just a coincidence when it happened twice in a row and with the same symptoms. Would like to hear if anyone else has experienced this inside Jefferson's mansion.

    Posted 12/26/21

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  • Was in shock

    It was outside on the right side of monticello.Looking at the house.,Like the 3rd or 4th little shed for slaves. Against the house.I went inside closed the door. There was a white woman, with period clothing. She scared me, but now that I think about it? She wanted me to help her. She had blond straight thin hair.past the shoulders.white teeth,hair blowing,no wind .Her dress was white.and long, with a looked liked a light blue apron.I never ran so fast outta there.onto the new deck. This was the year, 92 or 93.I had to sit down for 15 minutes on new deck. Couldnt breathe.Finished tour outside, then went to the store, Then left.

    Posted 10/6/20

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  • Pretty sure I saw you know who

    When I went to Monticello back in October of 2018, I toured the grounds with my father. It was about 3:00 in the afternoon at the time of our walkthrough. When we approached one of the gardens, I noticed a watch-post of sorts that he ostensibly stood in while looking out into the valleys of Charlottesville. The tour guide was explaining what sort of crops he grew around the farm, then, in the corner of my eye I saw a man, a tall man, probably around 6’3", thin, who had sandy, wavy, red hair, and wore a long black coat. He had one hand clasped around the wrist of the other. When I turned my head to look inside the watch post, the figure was totally gone. Later, inside the manor itself, I heard a faint call. The accent of the person in question was totally off, it sounded roughly like a Western English Farmland drawl mixed with a Tidewater accent, I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but the tone of the voice was a bit on the higher side and it had a slight speech impediment. If I could guess what they were saying it was probably something along the lines of "Randolph!" or "Hands off!" One more thing that happened that solidified my suspicions that I was having a paranormal experience was the whistling I heard around the distillery under Monticello. It sounded very similar to a tune called "Rosin the Bow" if you want to look it up.

    Posted 9/7/20

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  • Little girls in the sitting room

    About 2 weeks ago my dad and I took a tour of Monticello. While we were in the entrance, the bulk of our group was filing into the room to the left, my dad says that he saw two little girls playing on the floor of the sitting room. He says that the girls looked to be about 4 and 6, with blonde hair and white period appropriate dresses. It wasn’t until we got to that room in the tour that my dad realized that the area they were playing in was roped off from the public.

    Posted 6/20/19

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    10 out of 10 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3487 days ago)

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