Oatlands Plantation - Real Haunts in Leesburg VA

- 20850 Oatlands Plantation Lane
- Leesburg, VA
- 703-777-3174
- Average Review
- (1 review)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Museums
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
- Share Your Experiences

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- Cost Plus World Market10.6 miles away
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- Bunny Man Bridge22.2 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesMischievous Little Boy in Carriage House ...
I was played a wedding at Oatlands in 2019. After the reception, most of the guests quickly made their way to the after-party. So, aside from the few estate staff members, there were only a handful of caterers and band members left packing up. After 20 minutes or so, mostly everyone was gone and the vocalist and I were the last ones left packing up and loading sound equipment. After locking doors, turning off lights, and shutting everything down in the Mansion. Two Estate Managers walked over to us and patiently waited as we continued packing and loading out. While working, we engaged in idle chit-chat about Oatlands and it's history. After everything was loaded up, our vocalist grabbed her things and left. I asked for a place to change into my street clothes. Since they had already locked up the Mansion and set the alarm. One of them pointed off into the darkness. There, on the far side of the Walled Garden behind the Smoke House. I'll find a small bathroom on the other side that I could use. I could barely make out the building let alone see anything else. I couldn't help being creeped-out, there were absolutely no lights heading out towards the Smoke House. Turning on my phone flashlight, I was about to start walking when, to calm my nerves, I jokingly asked, "So, is this place haunted?" "Oh" replied one, Very! Just then, the Carriage House lit up. Brightly glaring through the trees off in the far distance. Assuming it was an Oatlands staff member that turned them on. I tried not to give it any thought. That is, until the one of the staff members, looked over and let out an annoyed sigh. I stopped dead in my tracks. Looked wide eyed at the women and asked "what?!?" One finally said, "It's the little red-headed boy again." Apparently, guests and staff would often see, a red-headed boy running around the Carriage House, after staff would lock up for the night. There would inexplcally be lights turned back on, on the third floor of the Mansion or in the Carriage House. They believe, there are several ghosts throughout the Mansion, and little boy with another in the Carriage House. For the most part, the little boy's antics and mischief were playful but annoying. Although, they said, his playful tricks at times were not always that innocent. How so? I can't say. Both women turned away, as one headed off into the darkness towards the carriage house. The other, towards the back of the tent were the reception was. Did I forget to mention, Oatlands is located just off of US 15, James Monroe Hwy. Surrounded by hills and trees, nestled off in the country side of Leesburg, Virginia? So, aside from the occasional light posts here and there. It is almost completely pitch black throughout the Oatlands grounds. With that said and after walking 50 feet or so towards the Smoke House. There was no way I was walking any further into that darkness to some far off bathroom to change clothes. Turning around, I headed back towards the tent in the dark. That's when I noticed there was no one waiting for me off in the distance. When I reached the Mansion, I picked up the pace. All I could think of was getting back into the light. But of course, I couldn't stop myself from glancing up towards the Mansion's windows. With a jolt, and again stopping dead in my tracks. The lights on the third floor quickly flickered on and off. I stood there just staring. As I tried to process, what in the world just happened and what did I just see? A few years back, I house sat for a friend in Norfolk, VA. Their house was in an old part of town and was haunted. I was never frightened. But this! This was different, it made a chill run down my back and I know when the light flickered. I saw someone standing there, looking out the window. That was enough for me, I hustled it back to my van. Once I turned the corner, in front of the Mansion was one of the caretakers. Without a hitch and almost with a smirk, she asked, "What you see?" So, I quickly told her. She just slowly nodded her head, "Yeah, we've seen her too." I asked about the Carriage House. She seemed to take it all in stride. I got in my van, started it up and hit it. Driving through the grounds, I half expected the lights to the Carriage House tonight back up when I passed. Back on US 15, I called my wife and woke her up. I can't say I didn't get a little scared. Yes, I was freaked-out, it was frightening, but exhilarating at the same time, absolutely surreal. This is what I've realized. Whatever a person may believe in or not. Even when witnessing an extraordinary event. Defying each and every one of our senses that connect us to the world that surrounds us. Can and do exist. No matter what you may believe to be true or not, how impossible it may seem, or how hard it is too fathom. Not everything can be explained away. But is real ... My wife, she got a kick out of it ... !
Posted 3/28/207 out of 7 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 12/22/2015 (3368 days ago)