
The Chamberlin - Hampton VA Real Haunted Place

  • 2 Fenwick Rd
  • Hampton, VA
  • 757-637-7200
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Places
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The Chamberlin Hotel was built in 1927, replacing the nearby Hygeia hotel which was active in the 1800s before being torn down, rebuilt, and then destroyed by a fire in 1920. Today The Chamberlin is an active retirement community scenically located on the Chesapeake Bay, but rumor has it not all residents are still among the living. Rumor has it that the top floor is closed due to frequent sightings of apparitions, and that a teenage girl who died in a fire haunts a spot on the seventh floor near where she died. Her spirit has been seen peering out the windows and banging on the walls.
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  • Haunting

    The hotel of today did nor replace the Hygeia Hotel. It replaced the original Chamberlain Hotel that sat in the same place and burnt down in 1920. There have been many stories of hauntings here. I experienced one myself and it was chilling. I heard a very evil sound come from down in the dark stairwell. I ran.

    Posted 8/5/24

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  • Beautiful but terrifying

    When I was younger, my grandparents used to take me to the Chamberlin hotel. I honestly don’t know why they loved going there so much. It always creeped me out. I remember in the lobby of the hotel they had pictures (or copies at least) of the hotel, there were photos of it in use as a hospital or something like that, and newspaper clippings from when it burned down. It had this massive pool that was (from a child’s perspective) really deep, and the tile that was used was a very dark color. The pool area was mostly concrete from what I can remember, and there was not much more by way of lighting than the natural light that came through the large windows on one side. I was, and still am a very competent swimmer, but I was always terrified to get in that pool by myself. There was always a sense of dread when I got into the pool, as though a malevolent spirit would grab ahold of me and pull me down to the depths and I would drown. The rooms that we stayed in were always quite nice and every so slightly less than “cheery” but the hallways were like those of a zombie movie hospital scene, dark olive drab with dim lighting that often flickered. I remember being one of very few children when we would visit, but I always remember hearing children running in the hallways and laughing. I would open the door to find nothing, and there was always this oppressive feeling of being watched. This hotel used to scare me as a kid, and I would not go back even now as an adult. I definitely will not choose it as my retirement home either... I have dreams about this hotel to this day and still tell my grandparents how creeped out I was by it. They laugh and say it was a beautiful hotel, but as lovely as the building and grounds may have been, there is definitely something else there.

    Posted 4/7/21

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  • Chamberlin

    Beautiful creepy place. I lived at Fort Monroe and had many experiences there as well.

    Posted 11/10/15

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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