
Virginia Intermont College - Real Haunt in Bristol VA

  • 1013 Moore Street
  • Bristol, VA
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Virginia Intermont College was founded in 1884 as a women’s college and began operations as a coeducational facility in 1972. Financial struggles caused the school to become unaccredited in 2013 and subsequently close after the Spring 2014 semester. The school is also said to be rumored by a ghost who likely still remains even after its closure. According to local legend, a girl named Vera became pregnant by a professor while she was studying at Intermont in the 19th century. Distraught, the girl hanged herself inside one of the campus buildings, knocking over a lamp in the process. The lamp sparked a massive fire and, though the building has since been fully restored, her spirit causes the room in which she died to appear charred and burned at times.
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  • VI Deaths

    There was another death of another girl that attended VI around 2000-2001. She had a twin sister. She was found off campus I believe. What ever came of that? It was like she disappeared, found then it was hushed. She was a sweet girl as was her twin. What other deaths/murders has happened at VI? I heard about the Vera story going into my freshman year at VI. It is true when going by her room it ìs very cool and breezy not because f the breezeway. You can stand next to her door and feel it as well. The room did look burnt all the time, look up to the room from tha quad and you would see a figure glance away look again and it's gone. I stayed in main it was scary at night.

    Posted 12/21/24

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  • I went to college here

    I went to college here. This place is SCARY. it is haunted, ain’t no doubt about it. Any student who attended would tell you that. It was never an if, we all saw Vera and we saw her often. The spirits in that place are malicious- it’s not just Vera, there are other deaths and disappearances that occurred on campus, Vera is just the best known. I was told this by staff. There has never been any proof of Vera “being alive”, and I believe it was a tactic from the college to stop the rumors about it being haunted. I will never go back to that campus, personally- I don’t want any of that stuff trying to follow me home. If you investigate…be smart about it.

    Posted 10/2/24

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  • Dorm Room

    My dorm was in the east hall near Vera's room. Our door always randomly opened even when locked.

    Posted 9/4/23

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  • Lady at Virginia intermont

    My husband is currently working security detail here under the new owners. Today while sitting in the car as he made a round.. I took some photos.. 3 photos of one particular corner.. In one photo I definitely caught something upon zooming on a window. Definitely a woman in the window. I would love to know the location of her dorm.. I'm so intrigued right now. Not gonna recommend going as the new owners want no trespassing due to the homeless constantly damaging the property.

    Posted 7/27/23

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  • Virginia Intermont college haunting

    I'm also a security officer and i've only been working here for 2 weeks, i know something is up with east, west, and main hall. there is a bridge that goes from east hall to main hall and in the corner of main hall is vera's room. what is spooky to me is that there is an old wooden door that goes to nowhere attached to her room. personality i have not heard any voices or strange sounds but i have felt strong winds and seen hand prints on the inside windows of hodegs hall. i think this place is scary but not haunted. plus rumor has it that vera is alive and well and lives in texas. there is another rumor that 2 other women were murdered in that same room .

    Posted 9/28/17

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  • Ghost at Virginia intermont

    I am a security officer at Virginia intermont and can attest that there is something there just recently I met up with something there they growled and then lunged at me causing me to fall backwards and ad soon as it appeared it was gone.

    Posted 4/8/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/22/2015 (3380 days ago)

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