
Abijah Thomas House - Adwolf VA Real Haunted Place

  • Thomas Bridge Road
  • Adwolf, VA
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Built in 1856, this octagon-shaped 17-room house was once the center of a 400 acre plot of land owned by Abijah Thomas. Thomas was the proprietor of a textile plant and owned a number of slaves whom he kept at his private residence. Allegedly some of those slaves were horribly abused and now their ghosts haunt the old building, appearing to visitors in shackles, dripping blood. The storage room, commonly called “the dark room,” is said to be particularly active. The house was abandoned for many years, but has recently been purchased by a local resident who hopes to restore it fully.
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  • House of Death

    Sadly the house is badly deteriorated, but it isn't open to the public, so there is that also. It would be more dangerous to enter due to the condition than anything haunting inside. The history behind the house is enough to scare you, but I will let you visit the area and learn about the history. Well worth the trip and area was gorgeous.

    Posted 10/12/18

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,186
Last edit to this listing: 12/28/2015 (3374 days ago)

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