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Ambler Mansion Ruins - Jamestown VA Real Haunted Place

  • Island Drive
  • Jamestown, VA
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First built around 1750, the Ambler House was once the home of Lydia Ambler. Lydia married her husband, Alexander, in August of 1776, but soon afterwards he went off to fight in the American Revolution. Though she waited patiently for his return, months went by without a single letter from Alexander ever being sent. In his absence, the mansion burned down in 1781, though it was quickly restored by Colonel John Ambler.

Lydia continued to watch out the window, waiting for her love to come back, but he never did. At first, she feared that Alexander had died in battle, but that fear turned to anger as she began to suspect he had only married her for her money and ran off without any intention of returning. In a moment of mad fury, Lydia took her own life inside the mansion.

The house burned down a second time during the Civil War, and once more in 1895. Today only the frame of the mansion remains, but Lydia can still be seen walking around its ruins. Witnesses say she is still awaiting the return of her once beloved Alexander.
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  • Was it Lydia?

    Two years ago, I traveled with a friend to Richmond to attend the commemoration of the 1622 Massacre at Henricus Historical Park. The next day, we took a side trip to Jamestown and walked through the ruins. It was mid-afternoon, but it was getting ready to rain. When we visited the ruins of the Ambler mansion, probably about 3-3:30 p.m., it was overcast enough that it may as well have been dusk ... which I have been led to understand is a prime time for a ghost sighting. We decided to loiter under a tree and have a cigarette. We were puffing away when I saw a blur of movement, just for a split second, before Whatever It Was disappeared behind the mansion's riverward side. Since my glimpse was so brief, I wondered if my eyes had played tricks on me. But then, I felt this hostile vibe bearing down on me from the mansion and getting stronger by the second. I would say it was the same feeling of extreme uneasiness that others have associated with Lydia's presence. I felt like if we did not get off her property, she was moments away from doing something about it. As we made a rather hasty departure, I apologized to Lydia for disturbing her. My friend turned back for a last look at the mansion and insists she saw a swirl of mist on one of the landward walls that had not been there before.

    Posted 1/3/16

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Last edit to this listing: 12/17/2015 (3385 days ago)

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