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Haw Branch Plantation - Amelia VA Real Haunts

  • Rt 667
  • Amelia, VA
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Located near the Amelia Courthouse, Haw Branch Plantation was first settled by Colonel Thomas Tabb and his wife, Rebecca Booker, in 1735. The mansion was built ten years later and still stands to this day, though it was left unoccupied and in ruin for a long period before being purchased and restored by the McConnaughey family in 1965. It did not take long before the building’s new residents began noticing strange happenings.

Numerous apparitions have been reported, including a man who walks about the barn holding a lantern; he disappears when approached, but the lantern remains behind, suspended in midair. A skinny man with a limp has been seen walking around the mansion, crying “Help me!” The ghost of an old woman named Harriet Mason has been seen as well. In addition to the visible manifestations of spirits at the plantation there has been the phantom scent of roses emanation from an upstairs bedrooms, disembodied footsteps and a loud crashing noise have been heard, and once every six months the residents are awoken by loud screaming inexplicable coming from the attic.

The most peculiar paranormal occurrence has to do with the portrait of a woman named Florence Wright, which was kept in storage for 20 years. Though the painting had originally been made with pastel colors, when it was taken out by Mrs. McConnaughey the colors had all faded from time and improper care making it appear gray, as though it had been created in charcoal. Despite the faded look, it was decided that the portrait should be hung prominently above the fireplace in the library. Before long mysterious voices were heard coming from the library; stranger still color gradually returned to the portrait. A psychic came to investigate the phenomenon and revealed that the painting had been inhabited by a spirit, presumably Wright’s, and that she restored its color after it was finally put in a place she liked.
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  • I know the new owners. the plantation was given as a. inheritance

    my husbands cousins son, was vey lucky to have it given to him and his wife. they live in Amelia. they are residing there.

    Posted 12/13/24

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    It was great.

    Posted 10/26/20

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  • Will always have a spot in my life for Haw Branch

    My family owned Haw Branch when I was around 11 years of age. Then there was 1800 a of land . My father was drafted in the army and when he returned he had to sell most of the land to a pulp wood company. The land was beautiful and the house had been empty for a long time but to a family with 6 children and 2 sets of in laws it was heaven. The many houses around the big home was still in place and made a great place for us to explore and play. While we lived there and father farmed the land and we loved the place we soon left to make a living at a General merchandise store in Morven Va. There was many strange things happened and we still think of Haw Branch with the greatest memories children store for future years to come. I am so glad that the home has been made beautiful again and the present owners have a link with the original builders. Just wish we could have the home tell its story.Phyllis Justice.

    Posted 9/13/20

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  • BOO it ain't

    My wife, as a young girl, stayed there summers alone with 3 brothers. I will have to ask her again the years. I think it was maybe around 1955,56,57,58. They never saw anything out of the normal. I took her back several times years later. The last time. We went inside and she ask to go up stairs. She showed the man her ints carved on the big beam in the ceiling. I took several pictures of the outside at that time or the time before that. Still have the pictures.

    Posted 6/17/19

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Last edit to this listing: 12/28/2015 (3374 days ago)

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