Waverly House - Richmond VA Real Haunted Places

- 6321 Monument Avenue
- Richmond, VA
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Houses
- Open To Public
- NOT Open to Public
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Visitors and past residents of this home have reported seeing the apparition of a sad, elderly man on the staircase. The spirit is believed to be that of Benjamin Green, a bank clerk who had his reputation shattered when the bank falsely accused him of pilfering money from it. The house remains a private residence and is not open for public visitation.
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Real Haunt Listing Info
Visitors to this page: 2,449
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3493 days ago)
Disclaimer: Virginia Haunted Houses does not endorse or support trespassing to visit real haunts. Before you visit ANY local real haunt, make sure to acquire the appropriate permits and/or permissions, and be respectful of privately owned properties. Countless Haunt Hunters have been arrested, ticketed, and reprimanded by the authorities for trespassing. To avoid this, be sure to get in touch with the property owners before visiting a haunt, and respect their hours of operation, local regulations, and rules for visiting at all times. Happy haunting!
All information on this page was submitted to Virginia Haunted Houses and was believed to be accurate at the time it was posted. Please report any inaccuracies here.