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Lamb's Creek Church - Sealston VA Real Haunted Place

  • Lamb's Creek Road
  • Sealston, VA
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Built in 1769, Lamb’s Creek Church is still an active Episcopal Church and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. It is one of three buildings that collectively form the Hanover-with-Brunswick Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. The church is rumored to be haunted a ghostly white lady who first appeared kneeling at the chapel rail before two Confederate soldiers.
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  • I’m never going back

    When I was 19 me and a couple of friends visited the church at about 1a.m. Me and my cousin stayed in the car as our friends went and sat on the steps of the church.after being there for about a hour me and my cousin were tired and was ready to leave so he informed me to let the rest of the crew that we were ready to go.I rolled the window down ah yelled out the window “HEY YO LETSSSSSSS”and BOOM SOMETHING SMACKED THE MIRROR ON THE CAR.It was a very loud bang and scared the hell out of me and to my cousin to the point we were scared to talk smh.After that the crew we were with came running and screaming saying that something was chasing them from around the church lol.I never been back since and am never going back and I seriously recommend you don’t either ???????

    Posted 3/16/21

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  • creepy stuff

    stuff hapened

    Posted 11/12/19

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Visitors to this page: 1,873
Last edit to this listing: 12/28/2015 (3362 days ago)

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