
The Old Mansion - Bowling Green VA Real Haunted Places

  • US 301 And VA 207
  • Bowling Green, VA
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The Old Mansion in Bowling Green was built in 1670 as a one-and-a-half story brick structure; it was expanded at some point in the 18th century. It is said that the ghost of Colonel John Waller Hoomes, who built the house, still haunts his old home. His daughter, Sophia, has also been seen about the property, usually riding in a ghostly carriage. A third ghost is said to be that of one Mrs. Woodford, who died of a heart attack when her husband scared her by putting on a giant jack-o-lantern costume; her screams are said to still be audible from the downstairs bedroom. Residents say that they have heard phantom hoof beats prior to catastrophic events. The mansion was put on the National Register of Historic Places in 1969, and is presently a private residence.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,779
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3509 days ago)

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