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Mills House - Real Hanover Haunted Place

  • Scotchtown Road
  • Hanover, VA
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The old Mills House is believed to date back to 1790 when the main part of the building was originally constructed, and was long rumored to be haunted. Locals say that they have seen the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned nightgown through the window, and those who have been inside have felt cold spots. Buster Mills was the last occupant of the home and said there were ghosts in the front room before he passed away in 1989. The house stood abandoned for decades after his death, and in 2014 a mysterious fire burned it to the ground.
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  • Old family home

    Wanted to clarify that the fire that burned the house down was simply from some teenage boys playing around and accidentally setting it on fire. Several people did die in the house and on its property over its history, although nothing nefarious since it was bought by the Mills in the early 1900s - more the standard dying from a heart attack out in the country. I have heard family lore of ghosts, but nothing very serious other than "fun family stories." source: family member

    Posted 8/24/20

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Visitors to this page: 1,941
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3509 days ago)

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