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Appomattox Manor - Real Haunt in Hopewell VA

  • Cedar Lane
  • Hopewell, VA
  • 804-458-9504
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Listing Categories
Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Home of the Eppes family, this 1751 plantation house is most famous for having been the Union headquarters during the Siege of Petersburg. It is now administered as a historic house museum, and is said to be haunted by the ghost of a Union soldier. The wounded soldier is said to have been hiding in the basement wall by a nurse at some point when the Confederates controlled the building; unfortunately he had left his gear in the storage room, prompting the Confederates to arrest the nurse. Unable to get out of the wall on his own, the soldier died there and his body remained stuck until construction workers discovered it in 1953. His ghost has been heard frantically scratching at the walls, trying in vain to escape.
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  • shadow nurse

    well, i literally live in city point, i have lived here for more than 12 years.the appomattox manor is haunted and pretty old.I live in a house thats over a 100 years old. i would go to bed with no close on then when i wake up i mysteriously have clothes on my body.i just dont know how she does it while im sleeping.one day out of my peripheral vision i saw a shadow figure of a woman a "FEMALE NURSE" and everyone i live with is in the dining room i can physically see them (my family) in the dining room.

    Posted 5/25/21

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    Never been here before. I was looking at the pictures on here just to get an idea of what it was. If you look at the picture with the hand in the corner pointing. Make it larger. Look at the right middle of the picture where the steps are to the porch. There is a man standing there. It's like a blurry version of a man with a hat on. It's haunted. Creepy. Would love to go there & check it out.

    Posted 9/21/20

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  • 8 foot man

    So everyone does things they aren’t suppose to when they are young right? On an October night around 9:30 My brother myself and two friends were walking down the trails of city point -hopewell Virginia just got done doing some fishing and saw a flight of stairs to the left. We wanted to see where they went and we of course followed them to where it came to the big open field and the old grant headquarters manor. We walked out into the open field and the moon was full that night so we had plenty of light even though we didn’t want to shine any light from our cell phones- scared to be seen. We stopped for a second and looked around, out friends were fooling around behind us and my brother pointed to the corner of the manor and said “um what’s that?” At first I didn’t see anything but a little reflection of maybe some foil or trash someone left in the grass. He than said “no not that...THAT” I look up about 20 feet from where I was originally looking and there stood at the corner of the manor a HUGE looking man large broad shoulders and arms. He stood at least a good 7 1/2 to 8 foot. This man didn’t move. He stood completely still- there was no noise, no words, no light coming from the man. You would think 4 kids at 9:30 at night fooling around and shouldn’t be there someone would say maybe “hey what are you doing or you shouldn’t be here it’s trespassing” We didn’t even speak to each other, my brother and I turned and ran as fast as we could at the same time and of course our friends didn’t ask questions they just got up and ran too.. I think they got the picture. I will forever remember that night and what we saw. Till this day when I’m telling someone this story I get chills

    Posted 6/22/19

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3381 days ago)

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