• Virginia Edition •



Parker's Battery - Real Haunt in Chesterfield VA

  • 1810 Ware Bottom Spring Road
  • Chesterfield, VA
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Part of the Confederate defense known as the Howlett Line, Parker’s Battery was the site of many skirmishes during the Civil War. It did not leave Confederate possession until the fall of Petersburg and some say that the spirits of southern soldiers remain there to this day. Witnesses have seen apparitions which they describe as soldiers in their bunkers looking either unhappy or confused.
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    I have a photo of one of the Boy's Company spirits still haunting the battery, plus two investigations I have done there, using my ghost box and EVPs in my fifth ghost book, Paranormal Petersburg, Virginia, and the Tri-Cities Area. The photo is at end of the chapter. A friend and I will be going there Friday, which is the first day of three days of the battle (anniversary good times to check out hauntings on the battlefield) and investigate before noon and before gets really humid and hot. You can only visit the battery during the daytime, even if no one there to check (someone chains and chains up the parking lot each day), as I am sure the county police do go down Ware Springs Bottom Road.

    Posted 6/13/18

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Visitors to this page: 1,595
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3486 days ago)

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