
Central State Hospital - Petersburg VA Real Haunted Place

  • 26317 W Washington Street
  • Petersburg, VA
  • 804-524-7000
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Originally named the Central Lunatic Hospital, Central State Hospital was founded in 1870 as a to treat “colored persons of unsound mind,” making it the first Virginian mental health facility to exclusively cater to the black population. Its name was changed in 1895, following the passing of a state law requiring facilities then known as asylums to instead be called hospitals. The hospital did not begin treating people of other races until 1967, three years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. Locals say they have witnessed paranormal activity on the hospital grounds, seeing strange phenomena and hearing inexplicable sounds.
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  • It’s not open to public

    I was at work driving a patient to the hospital after dropping the patient I drove by the old building while having my device on for spirits to communicate my partner turned on the high beams to better see the building. The reader said it’s bright and as we finish driving by the old building you can see what looks like shadows of people in the building walking. If only it was open to explore I would love to go sadly it’s not and is heavily watched by law enforcement.

    Posted 5/8/24

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  • Central state

    As a child growing up around this place we seen spirts of children playing

    Posted 6/16/23

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  • I was a patient there

    I was a patient there when I ws 16 years old. I was sent there for treatment of my severe depression. I remember I would wake up in the middle of the night and see "people in my that time I figured it ws a side effect of my medications, lol. Today I am an active paranormal investigator. When I look back on that time, now I'm not so sure it was my meds!

    Posted 12/17/22

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  • HELLLPPP!!!!!

    I need to do a project on this place and i need some experiences

    Posted 10/25/18

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  • No Ghost With Chainsaw

    Ignore that last post. Been to the place--old buildings closed and new ones only for patients and doctors and nurses. I mean-really? Check out my book, Paranormal Petersburg, Virginia, and the Tri-Cities Area about the place and its history.

    Posted 6/13/18

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    3 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • GHOST tried TO MURDER me!

    This Goddamn gHoSt Tried TO MURdeR ME WiTh A FuCkIng Chainsaw!

    Posted 4/11/18

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    8 out of 18 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: 804-524-7000

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3509 days ago)

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